Monday, November 5, 2007

Winter Blunderland

There’s nothing quite like being the first to drive down a winter road. Everything is so fresh and unspoiled. The snow almost erases all types of civilization streets, sidewalks, all cars pulled into their respective garage, ah serenity! Nature juts out of its white blanket in asymmetrical beauty. The tree glazed with icicles looms over the street, the odd bush dusted in a fine white powder. Yes, there is nothing like a snow-covered winter road and how I love to drive over them and ruin them for everyone else.


Amanda Valley said...

Well how rude! HaHa! I thought that was funny!

P.S. Sorry I didn't make it to the meeting weekly schedule is up on my blog if anyone wants to meet before Wed.!!

Ashley Wallace said...

I like your title- winter blunderland. However, I really hate driving down a road that is freshly covered with snow, especially a dirt one.