Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cloth Escape

I’m just a towel.
I’m simply used for drying things off.
I sit through life mostly unused and underappreciated, waiting until I become too pilly or worn and simply discarded
Or perhaps then I’ll be torn up into dust rags, still with a singular use but even less admiration
I’m just a towel.
I can wipe away the perspiration, the reminder that you were just the means toward glory for another.
I will gladly take your tears and muffle your sobs.
I can provide the comfort for your failure that no living thing ever could
And provide an escape from the cruel world that drove you into my French terry folds to begin with.
I’m just a towel.

Jumbled Liar

Sandy beaches, church every Sunday, and a big extended family who are
Angry that I drink so much to ice and snow
To sleep perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub of
Campfires and the smell of burning leaves of neon
Angry that I have worked so hard and have nothing to show when smiles came easy and
homework did too
I am from a squeaky screen door
Why do they attack you?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Letter to a Friend (If only I had one...)

Hey Man,
WTF? Where were u last night. We had a shit-ton of people over and everyone got really f-ing wasted (THREE KEGS!!!!!!!). Steve passed the hell out at like 10, what a pussy. The rest of us were up drinking and playing guitar hero until like 5 in the fucking morning. You missed out. Aight, peace out.

Professional Letter

Dear Professor,
I was recently discussing philosophical points of debate with several fellow pupils of mine. We came to the agreement that in our modern culture elders are respected less than a satisfactory amount. So I have decided to compose this formal letter to keep you notified of the recent events of my life.
Last weekend a few colleagues and myself enjoyed a box social. A sparing amount of cocktails were served and all attendees kept themselves in moderate reservation. At around the hour of ten we realized that it was becoming late and seeing as we all observe a strict self-imposed curfew we bid each other "adieu" and continued on to our places of residence.

Most Sincerely ,
Andrew F. Miller

Emotion Poem


Hunger for emptiness
Hunger for satisfaction
Hunger for stillness
Hunger for action
Hunger for life
Hunger for death
Hunger for suffocation
Hunger for breath
Hunger for loneliness
Hunger for company
Hunger for being ignored
Hunger for attention on me
Hunger for dullness
Hunger for mood
Hunger for hunger
Mostly Hunger for food!

Self Portrait Poem

Graduation Day

Another cousins graduation
Another afternoon of cliché speeches and name reading

I never thought I’d hate Dr Seuss
But every copy of “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” needs to be burned

Pictures follow, even ones without the graduate
Merely evidence that we were, in fact, present

Thousands of bleary-eyed stranger mill around
Searching for the mediocre refreshments they were promised

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mad Libs Poem In class Activity

A Relaxing Day

It was walking through the trees
The wind was gently blowing a breeze
He jumped in his hammock sipped a Diet coke and ate some cheese
And watched a semitruck leak Anti-freeze
With a flower colored razzle dazzle rose he was quite pleased
As it was pollinated by gargantuan bumblebees

Monday, November 5, 2007

Why the moon affects the tide

Once, a long time ago there was a fraternity, it was the greatest fraternity in all the land. They threw the sickest parties and rocked at intramural sports. However, not everything was a chill as it seemed. A rival fraternity had planned the downfall of them. During the religious festival of the Busch Light God, know as Greek Week. The most skilled members of the fraternity competed in a series of games, the most prestigious of which was Beer Pong. Two of the members of the Great Fraternity were selected to represent their house, Duncan, and a guy who rushed five years ago who was simply known as Big Dog. The game was grueling, both teams were down to one cup. Then, tragedy struck; they rival fraternity made both balls into the last remaining cup. After the extremely outrageous and uncalled for celebrations ceased, it was time for Duncan and Big Dog to shoot. Duncan sunk the cup, and after yelling "OOOOOOOOOOO!" Turned to Big Dog. The tension could have cut with a knife as Big Dog released his shot. The ball rolled along the edge of the cup...and off.
Celebrations for the rival fraternity erupted all around, although many onlookers were so drunk they no longer remembered what team they were even supporting. After the crowd cleared out, only Big Dog and the mystical Pledgemaster remained.
"You have disappointed me, and all of yours brothers Big Dog" The Pledgemaster said. He continued, "You truly are a dog..." and used his magic powers to turn him into a coyote. (He actually meant to turn him into a dog but he also had been drinking heavily) "This actually works out for the better" said The Pledgemaster. He then picked up the beer pong ball and tossed it into the sky. "Howl at that bro!" So from now on when you hear a coyote howling on it is really Big Dog lamenting his poor beer pong skill.

Winter Blunderland

There’s nothing quite like being the first to drive down a winter road. Everything is so fresh and unspoiled. The snow almost erases all types of civilization streets, sidewalks, all cars pulled into their respective garage, ah serenity! Nature juts out of its white blanket in asymmetrical beauty. The tree glazed with icicles looms over the street, the odd bush dusted in a fine white powder. Yes, there is nothing like a snow-covered winter road and how I love to drive over them and ruin them for everyone else.