Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I'm in college. Needless to say I drink more beer now than I probably ever will for the rest of my life. Nothing bother me more than the modern beer commercial. Half-clever quips and visual gags are really not enough to urge me to buy a product. However, I'm going to continue to buy their product regardless so I don't see why they need to spend millions of dollars a year on boring me/wasting my time. The last comercial that has my hate centered on it is the Bud light comercial where two bros (possibly ex-frat) are out at the opera with their amazingly attractive italian-esque dates. One guy leans towards the other and says "How did we do this again?" the other gives a smug smile and opens his suit coat to reveal like a half dozen Bud lights and responds "Don't worry, I got enough for both of us." As they tap bottles and begin to take that first sip the opera singer hits a high note and the bottles (including the ones in bro #2's jacket explode). They and their supermodel dates looked shocked. To cap this little nugget of comedy gold Bro #3 seated in front of the first two turns around, holds up a can of Bud light and says "First time at the opera boys?"


Lynley Culver said...

Yeah, I think I have to agree with you on this one (for once.) I definitely liked your version where the fat dirty guys with the drunk pregnant girlfriends get escorted out of the opera by Usher.

ruggermichigan3 said...

It is more realistic for the fat guys at someone with a less attractive female in the commercial. To bring the real target audience.

John C. said...

Well first off it would be ersher (lets please be respectful and pronounce the name right) and secondly you're way right. I would double my Bud light alcohol purchases if the commercial presented two uncouth gentlemen escorted by two ladies of ill repute at a sporting event eagerly sampling a more than modest amount of "sauce". I'm sure such an ad would tickle the inner most regions of my soul.

Ashley Wallace said...

I also buy products regardless on the advertisements that are used even though they spend ridiculous amounts of money trying to get my money. It makes me think, though, that maybe I buy a certain product because of previous advertisements that I may have seen but I dont even realized it! Anyhow, I also hate that commercial.

John C. said...

We had our meeting with our teacher on Monday. She wants us to completely change our Group teach (its too traditional). Jen and I are meeting again on Wednesday at 3:30. If you could be there that would be really great.