Monday, September 17, 2007

I am from poem

I am from...

I am from freezing in summer
and sweltering in winter
I am from ice cream trucks out of snow cones
and ice skaters out of breath

I am from always falling asleep with the TV on
and sinking into an overstuffed couch
and "You'll be a hunchback if you slouch!"

I am from being ready early and still being late
with a soundtrack of Phil Collins and some Annie Lennox too
I am from last minute school projects still wreaking of glue

I am from Boys Meets World credits will still in soccer socks
and knowing that the fronts door will never have any locks

1 comment:

John C. said...

What I like about this poem is how you've written about things that I can easily relate to and identify with. The sounds of Phil Collins, Front door with no locks and last minute school projects. Also the fact that you incorporated a rhyme scheme helps the reader flow through the poem, giving it a smooth polished sound. Nice work!