Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I'm in college. Needless to say I drink more beer now than I probably ever will for the rest of my life. Nothing bother me more than the modern beer commercial. Half-clever quips and visual gags are really not enough to urge me to buy a product. However, I'm going to continue to buy their product regardless so I don't see why they need to spend millions of dollars a year on boring me/wasting my time. The last comercial that has my hate centered on it is the Bud light comercial where two bros (possibly ex-frat) are out at the opera with their amazingly attractive italian-esque dates. One guy leans towards the other and says "How did we do this again?" the other gives a smug smile and opens his suit coat to reveal like a half dozen Bud lights and responds "Don't worry, I got enough for both of us." As they tap bottles and begin to take that first sip the opera singer hits a high note and the bottles (including the ones in bro #2's jacket explode). They and their supermodel dates looked shocked. To cap this little nugget of comedy gold Bro #3 seated in front of the first two turns around, holds up a can of Bud light and says "First time at the opera boys?"

Monday, October 22, 2007

If I were the prettiest girl at the ball...

I've always wondered what it was like to be a girl. Not in the weird dress up in female clothes way, by just a mild curiosity. If you havn't wondered what it was like to be the opposite sex, then there's something wrong with you (or maybe just me). Everytime I go one a date (not that it's a large number by any means) I am posed with the question : "Do I pay for her?" Now, in this modern day and age it seems like there are more and more girls who are willing to split the cost, and ehere are still those who think boy=pay. I always think it would be nice to have someone pay for me, just once, without me saying "oh shit, I forgot my wallet, I'll pay you back."